Sam Friesen is a well-known builder in the world of GBC, famous for his compact modules. When he is not skiing, another one of his hobbies, this Canadian builder use his freetime to engineer compact but very creative GBC modules, made with some of the most common of your favorite bricks. Do not miss his GBC Stepper module which, thanks to his smart but simple design, makes it the ideal module to start with Great Ball Contraption.
HI, MY 9 YEAR OLD loves your stuff! We are going to try and build the windmill. In addition to the directions do you have a pdf with all the parts? I am unsure if we have the right gear parts.
HI, MY 9 YEAR OLD loves your stuff! We are going to try and build the windmill. In addition to the directions do you have a pdf with all the parts? I am unsure if we have the right gear parts.
Thank you for providing this free!
homeschool mom in PA
thanks for your kind message. On Windmill, I don’t have the parts list, you need to browse the pages sorry