Planet-GBC was at Fana’Briques 2016

I was in Rosheim, in the East of France, this weekend to visit the Fana’Briques 2016 Lego exhibition. It was the opportunity to see live some GBC modules and to discuss with some module builders. Please find some pictures and some useful links below.

Discover Fana’Briques 2016 exhibition

Maico Arts guide you through a tour of the exhibition  
Maico Arts shows you the complete GBC chain made of 45 modules

My pictures from the exhibition

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Some GBC Builders I’ve met there

  • PG52: Even though not GBC, PG52 was demonstrating his impressive Cyclograph as you can see on the picture below (PG52 also used to build some GBC modules a couple of years ago like this one)
  • SwissLug team members were there to demonstrate the GBC modules chain! Discover their website here
PG52's Cyclograph Chicken
The impressive cyclograph from PG52 The most impressive building from the whole exhibition: the Lego chicken from my daughter 😉

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